Training and conference listing

Workshops and conference presentationsBrief summaries with links to further information where available.
In order of completion, most recent first.

download related documents where available.
see photo gallery where available.
go to another website for more information.
go to another page on this website.

Listed in date order, most recent first.

Hastings Urban room workshop

14 June 2022

Central Hall, Hastings

Organised by:
Hastings Urban Design Group

Presentation and exhibit:
The Hastings Regeneration Timeline: Introduction and What next?

  see The Hastings Regeneration Timeline online

Hastings visit by Professor Chris Whitty

21 June 2019

Robsack Centre, St Leonards-on-sea

Organised by:
East Sussex County Council

Presentation and exhibit:
The Hastings Regeneration Timeline: Project introduction. With Steve Manwaring.

  see The Hastings Regeneration Timeline online

Download presentation on the visit by Darrell Gale, Director of Public Health, East Sussex County Council

The Garden City Standards for the C21st: Practical guides for creating successful new communities. Guide 11: People, power and place. Expert roundtable.

3 October 2018

TCPA, 17 Carlton House Terrace, London

Organised by:
Town & Country Planning Association (TCPA)

The Community Planning Handbook, Event Manual and Website

  see organiser’s website

The Battle for Tolmers Square: reflecting on the lessons

5 February 2018

Leila’s Cafe, 15 Calvert Avenue, Shoreditch, London

Organised by:
East End Preservation Society

A conversation moderated by Will Palin. With contributions from Patrick Allen, Sacha Craddock, Frances Holliss and many others.

  see Spitalfields Life website

Pre-application community consultation: getting the benefits

17 January 2017

Tapestri, Swansea, Wales

Organised by:
Planning Aid Wales

Good practice approaches to pre-application consultation: a community perspective.

  see organiser’s website

Creating the Conditions for New Settlements in England

21-23 May 2013

St George’s House, Windsor Castle, UK

Organised by:
Building and Social Housing Foundation

Participant in a Consultation chaired by Lord Richard Best

Download report

Public Speech
21 April 2013

National Taiwan University

Organised by:
Taipei Urban Regeneration Office, Taipei City

Community Planning; Involving communities in planning

Planning Week
24 – 29 September 2012

City Gallery, Central Hong Kong

Hong Kong Institute of Planners

Conference keynote presentation:
Community Planning – involving communities in planning.

Seminar at the University of Hong Kong:
Community Planning Events: How to organise a successful one.

Urban Design Summer School
25 June 2012

Newhall Square, Birmingham, UK
MADE; a centre for place-making

Keynote presentation:
Design in the Age of Localism: how can we achieve better places through neighbourhood planning?

GreenAge 2nd International Symposium
26 April 2012

Istanbul, Turkey

Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University

Community Planning Events: How to organise a successful one

MSc in Sustainable Urban Development
10 November 2011

The Prince’s Foundation, Shoreditch, London

Oxford University and The Prince’s Foundation

Community Planning Events: How to organise a successful one

Community Planning Masterclass
26 October 2011

Creative Media Centre, Hastings

Supporting Communities in Neighbourhood Planning, Locality

Community planning & design principles, methods and scenarios

Innovations for a Low Carbon Future: Strategies & Visions

6 May 2011

Royal Maritime Club and St Georges Church, Portsea, Portsmouth

Centre for Creative Urban Regeneration, University of Portsmouth

Community Engagement Overview (Nick Wates)
Community Planning for Low Carbon Communities (Mike Gibson)

Developing a community engagement strategy for reducing carbon emissions in Portsea, Portsmouth

Community planning: involving local people in planning and design
8 February 2011

Town Hall, Oxford

Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire – Milton Keynes Design Network

Community planning: principles and methods

Communication Strategies and Public Participation Techniques
20 January 2011

Old City Hall, Zagreb, Croatia

Civitas Elan

Community planning events – how to organise a successful one

Designing a successful citizen engagement event

GreenAge 1st International Symposium
6 to 8 December 2010

Istanbul, Turkey

Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University

Keynote Presentation:
Community Planning for Sustainable Development in England

‘Big society’ – working effectively with the community
29 September &
19 October 2010

London and Liverpool

Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE)

Approaches to community engagement – from strategy to delivery.

Creating Sustainable Communities
24 May 2010

Earthscan webinar (Earthcast)

With Wendy Sarkissian and Nabeel Hamdi

Community Planning Events: What, Why and How

Masterclass in Community Involvement
23 March, 29 April, 11 November, 14 December 2010

Better Bankside community space, London

Training stakeholder consultation: CIVITAS Vanguard and CIVITAS Elan 
19 November 2009

De Therminal, Ghent, Belgium

‘Community planning: principles, methods and scenarios relevant for sustainable mobility’

Designing a citizen engagement plan for a sustainable mobility project.

Community participation in public spaces planning and creation
17 June 2009

Penzión Almada, Zvolen, Slovakia
Ekopolis Foundation

‘Community planning principles, methods and scenarios.’

Process planning session for Lanice Park

Launch of the Coastal Regeneration Research Centre
30 April 2009

University Centre, Hastings
University of Brighton

Community Planning in Hastings and Rother

Environmental Management
25 March 2009

University Centre, Hastings
University of Brighton

Community Planning

Remaking Places 2: Finding the right solutions to today’s economic social and environmental challenges
3 December 2008

76 Portland Place, London,
Resource for Urban Design Information (RUDI)

Empowering communities: Public involvement and neighbourhood planning

Congress on Participation: Citizenship at the heart of politics
4–6 June 2008

Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain

Basque Regional Government

Community Planning: Principles, Methods and Strategies

Public Participation in Strategic Decision-making
3–4 December 2007

Expo Centre, Sofia, Bulgaria

Aarhus Convention Workshop organised by:
the Austrian Government

Community Planning: Aylesham Masterplan, UK

Placemaking and the Public
8 May 2007

77 Cowcross Street, London

Organised by:
Resource for Urban Design Information (RUDI)

Community Planning: Principles, Methods and Strategies

Tools for Engaging Communities; the market place event
31 January 2007

Welcome Trust Genome Campus, Cambridge

Organised by:
Inspire East

Community planning strategies

Community planning

Le Vie Della Partecipazione (The Routes to Participation)
19 May 2006

International Seminar, Florence, Italy

Organised by:
Regione Toscana to assist with preparing new legislation on public participation.

Techniques of participation in the projects of urban regeneration in Great Britain

Local Transport – engaging local communities
18 May 2006

Thistle Hotel, Charing Cross, London

Organised by:
Landor Conferences

Shaping a community involvement strategy

Planning with Communities
9 March 2006

Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, Essex
Organised by: RTPI East of England and East of England Planning Aid

Community Planning; an overview

Design your own community planning strategy

 see photogallery 

RTPI Planning Aid Strategic Awayday
25 November 2005

 Guildhall, Winchester
Organised by: the Royal Town Planning Institute to help planning aid practitioners and core staff plan the future of the service.


   see photogallery 

The Politics of Place
11 October 2005

 Shoreditch, London
Organised by: The Prince’s Foundation, London

Community planning; The range of methods available and when to use them

Come to the Table! Finding a recipe for successful community engagement
27 July 2005

Cornwall College, Cambourne, Cornwall.

Organised by:
CABE Design Action

The range of techniques available and when to use them

   see photogallery 

Urban health by design
4 May 2005

Liverpool City Hall

Organised by:
Bearhunt for Liverpool Healthy City.

How people can shape their cities, towns and villages
in any part of the world.

Community Involvement; a practical approach
6 April 2005

Hamilton House, London

Organised by:
the Royal Town Planning Institute.

Engagement methods for master planning.

Community Challenge Conference
2-4 March 2005

Denman College, Oxford

Organised by:
National Federation of Women’s Institutes

Workshops (2):
The secrets of community planning.

Tolmers Square conversation
4 March 2005

Balliol College, Oxford

Organised by:
Modern History Department

Outside the Lines; making community planning real
15 February 2005

Hotel Cladhan, Falkirk, Scotland

Organised by:
the Equality Network

Keynote speech:
An overview of the principles and methods of community planning.

Planning for Vital Communities; Making the connections
18 January 2005

Lancaster University, Lancashire

Organised by:
The Countryside Agency


Introduction to community planning.

Community Planning
3 November 2004

Centre for the Magic Arts, London

Organised by:
the Royal Town Planning Institute

Community involvement in master planning.

Introduction to Social Impact Assessment

15 June 2004

Holborn, London

Organised by:
WSP imc on behalf of WSP Environmental

An introduction to effective community consultation.

 see photogallery

Planeamiento Communitario
20, 21 May 2004

Casa de la Cultura, Tacoronte, Tenerife, Spain

Organised by:
the Instituto Canario de Animacion Social (ICAS)

Community Planning.

 see photogallery

Participation Cymru Community Planningtraining course

11 May 2004

Cardiff, Wales

Organised by:
Wales Council for Voluntary Action


   see photogallery

Hastings Local Strategic Partnership Awayday
4 March 2004

Powdermill Hotel, Battle

Organised by:
the Hastings Local Strategic Partnership


  see photogallery

The Community Planning Seminar

15 November 2003

Invicta Grammar School, Maidstone, Kent

Organised by:
Maidstone Borough Council with Maidstone Local Strategic Partnership, the Maidstone Urban Forum, British Trust for Conservation Volunteers, Kent Rural Community Council and Communities Together


   see photogallery

Vermont Workshops
19-23 May 2003

Various locations in Vermont, USA.

Organised by:
the Preservation Trust of Vermont

Four workshops facilitated and one conference presentation on community planning

See photogallery of Planners workshop
See photogallery of Brookfield Awayday
See photogallery of Charlotte Reconnaissance
See photogallery of Bristol workshop

Planning for the Future – the value of community engagement for practitioners
30 January 2003

Central Library, Peterborough

Organised by:
the RTPI East of England and The Countryside Agency

The Community Planning Handbook and town design statements.

Building the homes of tomorrow; sustainable development in Kent
28 May 2002

County Hall, Maidstone, Kent

Organized by:
Construction Industry Environmental Forum & Kent Design

Involving communities in planning and design.

Implementing the Aarhus Convention in Slovenia
28 March 2002

Hotel Slon, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Expert round table

Organized by:
the Regional Environmental Centre for
Central and Eastern Europe.

Public participation in planning; an introduction.

Community Participation Methods; methods used in other European countries
27 February 2002

National Institute of Social Work, Tavistock Place, London

Organised by:
The Community Development Foundation

Facilitator of session:
Priorities for the UK

The Urban Renaissance? Making it happen
22-23 November 2001

The Bristol Marriott Royal Hotel, Bristol

The second annual Bristol Planning Law
and Policy conference.

Organised by:
King Sturge and University of the West of England.

Workshop sessions:
Community involvement in urban renaissance.

Action for Market Towns Annual Convention
21 & 22 September 2001

Liskeard, Cornwall

Organised by:
Action for Market Towns with The Countryside Agency

Introduction to community planning

Practical community planning workshop facilitated:
The future of Liskeard Cattle Market

Market towns – a new focus
4 July 2001

Millennium Grandstand, Newmarket, East Anglia

Organised by:
Action for Market Towns with
East of England Development Agency

Workshop sessions (2):
Involving the community

Specialist visiting lecturer
May / June 2001

Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication, Chislehurst, Kent

Organised by: Keith Gillies

Workshop sessions (4):
Visual Information; market factors. Developing concept proposals for websites and handbooks on area resource centres and a regeneration toolkit.

One of the late Keith Gillies’ classes at Ravensbourne with their website proposals on the walls behind them. Keith is back row far right.

Special Lecture –  Community Planning 
6 Feb 2001

Faculty of Design, Kingston University

Organised by:
Kingston University


8 December 2000 (and repeated
10 December 2002)

Wolfson College, Cambridge, UK

Organized by:
University of Cambridge Interdisciplinary Design for the Built Environment course

Community Planning

Designing Rivers – the art of successful waterfronts

4 December 2000

Royal Festival Hall, London

Organized by:
London Rivers Association with URBED.
Facilitator of workshop on ‘The design process and method’.

Community Involvement Techniques

24 November 2000

Preston Town Hall, Preston, Lancashire

Organized by:
Civic Trust Regeneration Unit as part of a Building Better Communities in Lancashire ‘Improving Partnership Practices’ workshop programme. Facilitator; Alexandra Rook.

Tools and techniques for participation

Community planning lecture

18 May 2000

School of Architecture, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford

Workshop: Process planning session for canalside project

Neighbourhood Pride workshop

15 March 2000

 Abbey Community Centre, Westminster, London

Organized by:
Civic Trust Regeneration Unit

Community planning techniques

Action Planning Seminar

7 May 1999

Prague, Czech Republic

Organized by:
Environment Partnership for Central Europe

Action Planning

Communities in Action
14 November 1998

Abbey Conference Centre, Southbank University, London

The 1998 National Planning Aid Conference

Organized by:
the Royal Town Planning Institute

Participation Techniques

Work in Process; Recycling Connecticut’s Communities and Related Research
24 October 1996

Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

Organised by:
Yale Urban Design Workshop


Action Planning; a process that works

Action Planning; a process that works

30 September 1996

The Canterbury Environment Centre, Kent

Organised by:
Kent Architecture Centre

Action Planning; a process that works

Community Works; The Participation Seminars
29 August 1996

Edinburgh, Scotland

Organised by:
The Community Government Exchange

Training workshop:
Action Planning

Prince of Wales’s Summer School in Architecture and the Building Arts 1996
6-9 August 1996

Richmond, Virginia, USA

Organised by:
The Prince of Wales’s Institute of Architecture

Community Architecture and Community Planning

Town Revitalisation with Public Participation
29 March 1995

Tokyo, Japan

Organised by:
the Japan Construction Training Centre,
Ministry of Construction, Government of Japan

Lecture and seminar
followed by seminar in Osaka on 1st April

Architecture for Everybody: How; When; Why

European Salaried Architects Congress

24–28 June 1988

Szczecin and Tuczno, Poland

Organised by:
the European Salaried Architects Group

UK Speaker:
Community Architecture

Remaking Cities

2–5 March 1988

Pittsburgh, USA

Organised by:
The American Institute of Architects

Plenary speaker:
Community architecture

The Community Architecture Movement

12 September 1985

Leighton House, London

Organised by:
West London Architectural Society

Presentation with Charles Knevitt

Social Architecture: a one day symposium

7 June 1985


Organised by:
Liverpool Polytechnic School of Architecture

Recent trends in Social and Community Architecture

Symposium on Planning for Future Growth Alternatives

July 1975

Lund, Sweden

Organised by:
Community Action in Europe Network

Tolmers Square Case History

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