
Brief summaries with links to further information where available.
In order of completion, most recent first.

download related documents where available.
see photo gallery where available.
go to another website for more information.
go to another page on this website.

Tolmers Village Forum
March 2020 – ongoing

Co-editor for a website archive on Tolmers Square.

Client: Patrick Allen.

Spaces of hope
May 2021 – November 2023

Advisory Group member for Spaces of Hope project exploring the hidden history of community led planning in the UK.

Client: Oxford Brookes and Sheffield Universities.

Civic revival website support
June 2020 – March 2021

Guest contributor and facilitation assistance for Civic Revival website.

Client: Civic Revival

West Marina neighbourhood plan
August 2019 – 2021

Support for the development of a neighbourhood plan for West Marina, St Leonards-on-sea, East Sussex.

Client: West Marina Group

Engagement in Placemaking research
April 2018 – March 2020

Research for a doctoral thesis entitled Making Places Better submitted successfully for a PhD by Publication.

Client: The University of Brighton.

Plan for Big Local North East Hastings
Jan – May 2017

Helping the Resident-Led Partnership undertake some targeted in-depth consultation on the first 3-year Plan and create a new Plan for Years 4 to 6.

Client: Big Local NE Hastings Resident-Led Partnership
Undertaken by the Love NE Hastings Consortium led by NWA comprising Caf Fean, Jane Freund, Jill Fricker, Linda King, Susan Lelliott, Steve Manwaring, Erica Smith and Nick Wates.

Bungaroosh public consultation
March – August 2016

Advice on community engagement strategy for a project to turn a former pub in Brighton into a neighbourhood hub, and the production of an independent report on the results.

Client: Bungaroosh Project Steering Group

‘Big-up’ your high street study tour
May 2016

Assistance with a one-day visit to a thriving area of Brighton for members of Big Local groups from other towns to see what lessons can be learnt for them.

Client: Jim Boot for Big Local Trust

See results on Community21  website
See project report

Building Stronger Communities in East Sussex
January – May 2016
with the East Sussex Councils for Voluntary Service and ABC.

Helping shape a community engagement programme to increase the health and wellbeing  of communities in East Sussex as part of the County Council’s East Sussex Better Together project.

Client: Hastings Voluntary Action for East Sussex County Council

See project report

Green and White Rock Project workshop
April 2016
Facilitation of a workshop to explore the community’s view of the greenspace in the centre of Hastings and how it might be improved.

Client: University of Brighton

See project summary report

Battle Health Pathway Consultation  
December 2015 – April 2016
with Earthscapes Design Associates

Helping to develop a community consultation process and supplying an independent report on the results.

Client: Battle Health Pathway Project Group

 See project report

Old Oak and Park Royal Community Charrette  
5 December 2015

Team member for this event on the future of London’s biggest new development area.

Client: JTP in collaboration with London Tenants Federation, Just Space and University College London.

See results on JTP website.  

Hastings Regeneration Timeline
July – November 2015

Development work for a project to create a community history of the regeneration of Hastings

Client: University of Brighton, Hastings Voluntary Action and Nick Wates Associates.

See project website.

Community Resilience web pages  
March – August 2015

An online guide to help community groups become resilient to the impact of weather and climate change.

Client: The Environment Agency

See website guide.

Transition Towns Hastings visioning event
March – April 2015

Helping with the planning and facilitation of a visioning event to relaunch this initiative.

Client: Energise Sussex Coast

See project website
See photo gallery

Community Led Regeneration Forum 
March 2015

Assistance with organising and facilitating a half day event to learn lessons from the past for the future, including launching a project to create a Hastings Regeneration Timeline.

Client: Hastings Exchange at University of Brighton.

See web pages 

Clean Seas Please
February 2013 – November 2014

Strategic advice on engaging the residents of Hastings and Bexhill in reducing pollution of the sea. A project identified as national best practice by the Environment Agency.

Client: Hastings Voluntary Action and Rother Voluntary Action for the Environment Agency.

See project report

Community Planning Handbook Second Edition
Jan 2013 – April 2014

Revising and updating a new edition.

Client: Routledge, Taylor & Francis.

See details in Books section
Go to publishers webpage

Shoreham Cement Works collaborative planning project
June  – November 2013

Facilitation of a workshop for key stakeholders to share information and attempt to agree an approach to the future of a former quarry in the South Downs National Park.

Client: Hargreaves Group

See project report

Big Local North East Hastings
May – August 2013

Assisting with the Getting Started phase of a project to engage residents in spending £1million improving their area.

Client: Big Local North East Hastings Interim Steering Group
Undertaken with Hastings Voluntary Action and Hastings Trust.

See project website
See project report

Daton and Wanhwa district regeneration project, Taipei, Taiwan
April 2013

Six day support visit to Taipei including facilitation of a stakeholder workshop and a Masterclass.

Client: Cosmos Inc., for the Urban Regeneration Office, Taipei

 see photo gallery of masterclass

See Cosmos’s souvenir booklet of the visit:
April 2013: Nick & Jane’s first visit to Datong and Wanhua, our story begins here.

Building Community Consortium
June 2011 – March 2013

Member of a consortium providing support for communities and neighbourhoods in planning in England. Upgrading of, developing workshop programme, support to local groups.

Client: Locality for the Department for Communities and Local Government.

Go to

Hove Neighbourhood Plan
Jan – March 2013

Support for Hove Station Neighbourhoods Forum in preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan including helping facilitate a Have Your Say Dropin event.

Client: Professor Mike Gibson for Locality for the Department for Communities and Local Government

Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan
Oct 2012 – March 2013

Support for Ringmer Parish Council, East Sussex, in preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan including advice on community engagement strategy and liaison with the local planning authority, Lewes District Council.  92% of residents voted to adopt the plan at a referendum (with a 42% turnout) on 12 November 2015.

Client: Locality on behalf of the Department for Communities and Local Government

See project website (select the ‘Ringmer to 2030’ button)

Shelter Housing Insights Update
April 2012 – March 2013

Research on methods and engagement strategy for new housing by volume housebuilders.

Client: Shelter

Rother Renewable Heat Project
Oct – Nov 2012

Organisation of two energy cafés in Playden, East Sussex to engage local people in renewable energy and energy saving initiatives.

Client: Energise Sussex Coast for Department of Energy & Climate Change.

See client website

Hastings Community Planning Resource
June 2010 – April 2012

Establishing a partnership initiative to create better resources for community engagement in planning and regeneration in Hastings & St Leonards

Client: University of Brighton

 See project output

St Leonards Coastal Space Community Planning Event
Jan 2012

Team members and facilitation assistance for this event to generate momentum for the regeneration of Central St Leonards and establish a Town Team.

Client: Local Space

Hayes Park, Hillingdon
Oct 2010 – Aug 2011

Public consultation on the future of a greenbelt site in West London.

Client: Highbridge No2 Limited

See project report 

Land at Water Oakley
Aug 2010 – June 2011

Public consultation on the future of a former farm site in the greenbelt in Berkshire.

Client: Farmglade Limited

See project report No 1
See project report No 2

Community planning for low carbon communities
Jan – May 2011

Development of a training module on how to engage communities in reducing carbon emissions.

Client: Centre for Creative Urban Regeneration, University of Portsmouth, on behalf of European Union funded Strategies for Low Carbon Settlements project.

See training module details

Tolmers in Colour
Feb 2010 – Feb 2011

Production and publication of a book of colour photos of a London squatter community at Tolmers Square in the 1970s.

Client: NWA

 See details in Books section

Civitas Elan stakeholder engagement training
Aug 2010 – Jan 2011

Development and facilitation of a training workshop on stakeholder engagement in sustainable mobility projects for a conference in Zagreb, Croatia.

Client: Regional Environmental Center, Slovenia on behalf of the European Union

Wild Park Workshops
Nov 2010 – Jan 2011

Facilitation of four workshops to consult with local residents on the future of a semi natural public open space on the outskirts of Brighton.

Client: Brighton & Hove City Council

See project report

Goodbye London
Aug 2009 – Aug 2010

Providing archive material for exhibitions in Berlin and Dresden on radical art and politics in the Seventies, and participating in a gallery debate.

Clients: NGBK Gallery, Berlin and Motorenhalle, Dresden

See story on
See NGBK Gallery archive webpage

Hastings Local Development Framework consultation programme
Dec 2009 – Jun 2010

Undertaken with Urban8, Manchester

Assistance to the council’s planning team in devising and facilitating an informal consultation programme on the Site Allocations & Designations Development Plan Document.

Client: Hastings Borough Council

Planning and Communities scoping
Mar – April 2010

Helping with a report on how community engagement in the planning system relates to Community Development.

Client: Resources for Change for the Community Development Foundation

Bexhill Local Action Plan
Aug 2009 – Mar 2010

Helping produce a local action plan for Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex, including devising a public involvement strategy, facilitating events and graphic design.

Client: Rother Voluntary Action

See project report

21st Century Community Toolkit
Oct 2009 – Feb 2010

Member of Design and Steering Group for a new website providing resources to help communities become more sustainable.

Client: University of Brighton

See Community21 website

Rother Today
Jan – Feb 2010

Untertaken with CSC Regeneration

A data capture exercise to assist Rother Local Strategic Partnership establish priorities.

Client: Rother District Council

See project report

Civitas Elan stakeholder engagement training
Aug – Nov 2009

Development and facilitation of a training workshop on stakeholder engagement in sustainable mobility projects for a conference in Gent, Belgium.

Client: Regional Environmental Center, Slovenia on behalf of the European Union

Harlow LDF stakeholder workshops
Oct – Nov 2009

Facilitation of two stakeholder workshops at the start of the development of a Local Development Framework core strategy, and production of an event report and record.

Client: Harlow Council

See project report

Hastings Youth Hub Design Day
May – 2009

Helping to plan and facilitate a Design Day to involve young people in creating a Youth Hub at St Mary-in-the-Castle, Hastings

Client: Hastings Trust

See project report

Community Planning – Website upgrade
July 2005 – Apr 2009

Major improvements to including sections for Case Studies, Policy and UK Housing as well as the introduction of a third column, search facilities and database linked inputting facilities.

Client: Royal Town Planning Institute, Academy for Sustainable Communities and the Department for Communities and Local Government

  Go to website

Petersfield Town Design Statement
March 2007 – Feb 2009

Training and advice on the production of a Town Design
Statement for Petersfield, Hampshire.

Client: Petersfield Tomorrow

See Town Design Statement, October 2010

Lake District barn conversion
June 2007 – January 2009

Project managing the remodeling of former farm buildings to create two new homes for local families in Selside, near Kendal, Cumbria.

Client: Joanna Gent

  See cutting from local newspaper. 

European exchange programme toolkit
Oct – Dec 2008

Editing and producing a toolkit on action planning for local support groups of the URBACT programme for sustainable urban development.

Client: URBACT Secretariat, European Union

 See The URBACT II Local Support Group Toolkit

Community Planning Event Manual
July 2007 – July 2008

Compiling a book on how to organise collaborative planning and urban design events; a revised version of the 1996 publication ‘Action Planning’.

Client: Earthscan Publications and English Partnerships.

See details in Books section
Go to publishers webpage

Aylesbury workshop facilitation
September 2008

Facilitation of a workshop to help key stakeholders finalise a consultants’ brief for the preparation of a masterplan for the town centre.

Client: Aylesbury Vale Advantage

Greater Hollington Neighbourhood Management Pathfinder report
Feb – Mar 2007

Production of a draft report on the first five years of a successful neighbourhood management pathfinder in Hastings.

Client: Greater Hollington Partnership

Historic building renovation
1998 – 2007

Project managing the comprehensive renovation of a rundown Grade II Listed building in the Hastings Old Town Conservation Area using Conservation Area Partnership grant aid from Hastings Borough Council.

Client: Nick Wates.

Bristol Re:Invigorate workshop facilitation
March 2007

Planning and facilitation of a workshop in the Filwood neighbourhood in Bristol as part of a Re:Invigorate conference event.

Client: British Urban Regeneration Association (BURA).

Camberley Town Centre Design Workshop
Dec 2006

Assistance with planning and facilitating a public evening workshop as part of the preparation of an Area Action Plan for the Local Development Framework

Client: Surrey Heath Borough Council

Winchelsea Town Plan consultation
July 2005 -Dec 2006

Facilitating the design and implementation of public consultation on a new town plan for Winchelsea, East Sussex.

Client: Winchelsea Town Plan Steering Committee

The Regeneration Game – TV series advisor
Mar 2003 – Oct 2006

Regeneration advisor on public engagement for a Channel 4 TV series on regeneration screened in 2005. Based on regeneration activity in Castleford, Yorkshire. Including directing the setting up of a regeneration centre in the town centre.

Client: Talkback Productions and local regeneration agencies including Groundwork Wakefield and Wakefield Metropolitan District Council.

Watch the programmes on the Channel 4 website
See photo gallery – Community planning event
See photo gallery – Cutsyke visioning event
See photo gallery – The Green visioning event
See photo gallery – Fryston visioning event
See photo gallery – Carlton Square visioning event
See photo gallery – The Riverfront visioning event
See photo gallery – Wilson Street visioning event
See photo gallery – Making a regeneration centre
See photo gallery – Exhibition of design ideas
See photo gallery – Designers day

Tuscany Region participation legislation
May 2006

Participation in an international seminar in Florence to assist the Tuscany Region develop legislation on public participation.

Client: Regione Toscana, Italy

Great Dunmow Town Design Statement
Jan – Feb 2006

Providing good practice advice on the best way to proceed with producing a Town Design Statement for the historic market town of Great Dunmow in Essex

Client: The Countryside Agency

  See project report

Heart of East Greenwich Collaborative Design Events
Nov 2005

Advisor and facilitator for series of three events to involve local people in the preparation of a Development Brief for a former hospital site.

Client: English Partnerships, Thames Gateway

See photo gallery – Design workshop
See photo gallery – Open house exhibition

Kent Design Guide
Sept – Nov 2005

Copywriting and formatting for The Kent Design Guide and for a summary of the Guide titled Creating Environmental Excellence

Client: Kent Architecture Centre on behalf of the Kent Design Initiative

Peterborough Station Quarter consultation
Oct 2004 – Sept 2005

Facilitation of public consultation on a draft Development Brief for an area around Peterborough station.

Client: Halcrow on behalf of Peterborough City Council.

See photogallery of open house day
See photogallery of stakeholder workshop

Shaftesbury Town Centre Enhancement Review
Jan – Feb 2005
Undertaken with Alan Baxter and Associates

Making an independent assessment of proposals by local stakeholders for enhancing the centre of Shaftesbury and making suggestions for improvement.

Client: Shaftesbury Town Council.

  See project report

Cambridge East areaaction plan consultation
Dec2004 – Feb 2005

Planning and facilitating a stakeholder consultation day as part of producing an Area Action Plan for the eastern edge of Cambridge which includes the city airport. Production of a comprehensive
event report, electronic and paper.

Client: Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire District Council

  See event report
See photo gallery 

Kent big picture brochure
Sept – Nov 2004

Assistance with developing a design concept and editing a brochure on strategic changes planned for the county of Kent.

Client: Kent County Council

Hastings neighbourhood renewal impact assessment
March – Sept 2004
with Clive Jacotine & Associates

Study to assess the impact of the neighbourhood renewal programme in Hastings and recommend action to ensure the sustainability of initiatives.

Client: Hastings Borough Council.

Aylesham Masterplan consultation
Feb – July 2004
with Urbancanda

Managing and conducting consultation on a Masterplan for Aylesham, Kent. As part of its adoption as Supplementary Planning Guidance by Kent County Council. Proposals include over 1,000 new homes, a new central public park, workspace and transport improvements

Client: BBP Regeneration for English Partnerships.

See photogallery of Aylesham Masterplan Exhibition

Tenerife community planning workshops
May 2004

Three-day programme of meetings and seminars to help develop an urban plan for Tacoronte ‚ population 20,000 ‚ and promote community planning methods in the Canary Islands generally.

Client: Instituto Canario de Animacion Social (ICAS).

See photogallery

Bexhill Future consultation results
March‚ April 2004

Analysis of 850 questionnaires completed at a public exhibition of alternative proposals by three design firms for Bexhill town centre.

Client: Sea Space, Hastings & Bexhill Renaissance.

See report
See photogallery 

Swindon placecheck
March 2004

Facilitation of a placecheck consultation day for the Brunel Railway Village.

Client: Swindon Borough Council.

See photo gallery 

Cambridge Southern Fringe development framework
Aug 2003 – Feb 2004

Planning and facilitating a process for engaging key stakeholders and the general public in developing an Area Development Framework for the southern edge of Cambridge. Proposals included over 2,500 new homes, a major hospital expansion, landscaping, community facilities and transport improvements.

Client: Cambridge City Council on behalf of a Reference Group including Cambridgeshire County Council, South Cambridgeshire District Council, Addenbrooke¹s NHS Trust, Countryside Properties, Monsanto and the Bell Educational Trust.

See event report 
See photo gallery 

West St Leonards community facilities study
April 2003 – Jan 2004

Producing a feasibility study on community facilities needed in West St Leonards, East Sussex, an area facing major change.

Client: Hastings Trust

See project report
See report appendices
See photo gallery 

St Leonards Housing Renewal Area workshops
Aug – Sept 2003

Planning and facilitating a two-day planning workshop prior to declaration of a new housing Renewal Area in St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex

Client: Hastings Borough Council

See photogallery

Ore Valley digital mapping
Mar – May 2003

Project management of initiative by residents to digitally map their local neighbourhood in Hastings

Client: Ore Valley Forum.

See photogallery

Vermont community planning workshops
Mar 2003

Week of presentations, workshops and training sessions to assist community planning initiatives in the State of Vermont, USA.

Client: The Preservation Trust of Vermont.

See photogallery of Planners workshop
See photogallery of Brookfield Awayday
See photogallery of Charlotte Reconnaissance
See photogallery of Bristol workshop

Greater Beaulieu Park consultation strategy
Jan – July 2002

Devising a public consultation strategy for a proposed town extension including 1,900 new homes for Chelmsford.

Client: Countryside Properties.

White Rock Gardens Masterplan
Jan – Aug 2002
with Alexandra Rook, Civic Trust Regeneration Unit.

Creation of a Masterplan by means of public consultation for improving Hastings’ second largest park.

Client: Hastings Borough Council

See flyer/poster
See Consultation Draft Masterplan
See Masterplan
See background report 1
See background report  2

Town Design Statements – good practice guidance
Aug – Sept 2002

Evaluation of three pilot projects – in Selby, Stratford upon Avon and Maldon – and production of national good practice guidance.

Client: The Countryside Agency.

  See good practice guide
See research findings

Community planning training & development
Mar 2001 – July 2002

Conception and management of a training programme for practitioners including 17 one- day training modules on a range of methods

Client: The Prince’s Foundation with The Civic Trust.

  see flyer/poster

Slovenian handbook on public participation
Mar 2002

Assistance with the production of a handbook in Slovenian on public participation including facilitating an expert seminar

Client: Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe.

Community Strategy training
Mar 2002

Facilitating a session for councillors on community involvement principles and methods

Client: Rother District Council.

Gensing community planning event
Jan 2002

Devising and facilitating a community planning day in Central St Leonards

Client: Gensing Residents Association.

Area Resource Centres for the Built Environment website
April 2001 – Jan 2002

Design and Construction of a test website for sharing good practice on setting up and running area resource centres for the built environment

Client: Department for International Development.

Community involvement website
Oct – Nov 2001

Editing material for a website on community involvement

Client: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Hastings Today
May 2000 – Nov 2001

Developing the concept, assembling the team and initiating the process for producing a photographic book celebrating contemporary Hastings and St Leonards, East Sussex

Client: Seachange Publishing.

See book on Amazon
See project launch

Dorchester Looking Ahead conference
Sept 2001

Planning and facilitating a conference for key stakeholders to devise a strategy for local involvement in the future of Dorchester and surrounding area.

Client: West Dorset District Council

Community Planning Website
April – Sept 2001

Design and Construction of website on community planning based on The Community Planning Handbook.

Client: Department for International Development.

Go to website

Liskeard Action Planning Day
Sept 2001

Planning and facilitating an event to involve local people and Action for Market Towns conference delegates in the future for Liskeard cattle market.

Client: Caradon District Council.

Felixtowe Vision conference
July 2001

Planning and facilitating a conference of key stakeholders to develop a strategy for involving local people in developing a new vision for the future of Felixstowe.

Client: Town & Country Planning Association for Trinity College Cambridge.

Artigarven Planning Day
April 2001

Planning and facilitating a day of workshops in Artigarven, Northern Ireland.

Client: Regeneration through Heritage

Wigton Action Plan workshop
April 2001

Planning and facilitating a workshop to involve local people in refining an action plan for the town.

Client: Environmental Resources Management for The Countryside Agency.

Rother Parish Liaison conference: Tomorrow’s Village
Mar 2001

Planning and facilitating a conference on improving community involvement in villages.

Client: Sussex Rural Community Council.

Pepys Estate future proposal
Feb – Mar 2001

Helping local residents develop proposals for the future of their estate in Deptford, London

Client: Pepys Community Forum.

Peacehaven & Telscombe Community Future workshops
Jan 2001

Facilitating of four workshops to involve local people in developing an action plan and create a regeneration partnership.

Client: South Downs Council for Voluntary Service.

Action Planning in Developing Countries
April 1998 – Feb 2000

Research on methods, principles and other material from developing countries for a book on community planning (The Community Planning Handbook).

Client: Department for International Development (DFID – R7141)

Community Planning Handbook
April 1998 – Jan 2000

Design and production of a book on community planning.

Client: Earthscan

See details in Books section
Go to publishers webpage

Rochester Riverside planning workshop
Jan 1999

Planning advice on, and facilitation of, a one-day design workshop for local stakeholders on the potential of a large riverside site.

Client: Medway Council

Public Participation in Urban Design Programme
Sept 1996 – July 1998

Project managing an action research programme to explore good practice by assisting and evaluating twelve participatory urban design events in England and contributing to the organization of
ten seminars and workshops.

Client: Urban Design Group (with funding from DETR)

See project report as Urban Design Quarterly special issue July 1998

Action Planning in Lebanon
Dec 1996 – June 1998

Undertaking a reconnaissance and designing an action planning event in Beirut and Sidon as part of an urban design Task Force.

Client: The Prince of Wales’s Institute of Architecture with Solidere, Lebanon

See  unpublished article 

Aylesbury Action Planning Day
June 1998

Planning and facilitation of a planning day to establish a brief for a new church in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire.

Client: John Simpson & Partners

Action Planning & Community Design Forums
Mar 1996 – June 1998

Coordination of a series of fourteen evening forums in central London on topical issues.

Client: The Prince of Wales’s Institute of Architecture 
with the Urban Design Group (part)

Tools for Community Design
Feb 1995 – Sept 1996

Establishing a programme to develop and promote good practice in community architecture, planning and design through the production of high quality, universally applicable, how-to-do-it information using action research and participatory editing techniques.

Client: The Prince of Wales’s Institute of Architecture

American Summer School
Aug 1996

Planning and facilitating the community planning component of a summer school task force in Richmond, Virginia, USA

Client: The Prince of Wales’s Institute of Architecture

Kazimierz consultation week
May 1996

Advisor and facilitator for a week of activities to involve local people in the revitalization of Kazimierz, Krakow, Poland

Client: The Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum with the City of Krakow and Krakow Development Forum

Action Planning manual
Feb 1995 – Jan 1996

Design and production of a book on action planning.

Client: The Prince of Wales’s Institute of Architecture with Inner City Aid, Urban Villages Forum, Inner City Aid and English Partnerships

See details in Books section
Go to shop 

European Summer School
Aug 1994

Planning and facilitating the community planning component of a summer school task force in Chinon, France and Viterbo, Italy.

Client: The Prince of Wales’s Institute of Architecture

Building conservation skills study
April – July 1993

Conservation Advisor and UK researcher for a market appraisal of the training needs for building conservation skills in the Kent/Nord Pas de Calais Region.

Client: Camargue Communications for the Building Crafts and Conservation Trust

Hastings Trust formation
1989 – 92

Revitalisation of Hastings Urban Conservation Project and converting it into an independent development trust.

Client: Hastings Borough Council, East Sussex County Council,
English Heritage

See St Mary-in-the-Castle Prospectus 
See project Prospectus and Review 1991, Turning the Tide
See Environment Week Programme 1990

Remaking Cities conference

UK Coordinator for the Second International Conference on Community Architecture, Planning and Design, Pittsburgh, USA

Client: American Institute of Architects

Community Architecture book
1986 – 88

Co-authoring with Charles Knevitt the first book on community architecture.

Client: Penguin Books

See book details
See photogallery of 2013 launch of new edition

Building Communities Conference
July – Dec 1986

Co-organiser of the First International Conference on Community Architecture, Planning and Design, Astoria Theatre, London which attracted over 1,000 delegates.

Client: Community Architecture Information Services (CAIS)

Prince Charles’ East London housing tour
March 1986

Helping organise a tour for Prince Charles on 26 March 1986 to see both problem housing estates and good examples of rehabilitation in East London.

Client: URBED with Hunt Thompson Associates

See photogallery of tour

Limehouse regeneration
1979 – 86

Campaigning to secure the quality regeneration of the Limehouse area of London docklands. Including acting as press officer for a local community group and compiling The Limehouse Petition.

Client: Limehouse Development Group, Limehouse & Ratcliffe Road Action Group, Greater London Council.

Listen to the Limehouse episode of ‘East London with Charles Saumarez Smith’, first broadcast by Resonance FM on 24th May 2017.  With politician Lord David Owen; light artist Peter Fink; community activist Nick Wates; urban historian Professor Michael Hebbert and Cynthia Grant who worked for the Docklands Development Corporation from 1985 to 1998.
See the Limehouse Petition; for a future inner city, paperback and digital.
See Community Architecture, (chapter 2 is a case study on Limehouse)

Christiania book
1981 – 83

Initial editing and production of an English language edition of Mark Edward’s book on the Christiania freetown in Copenhagen; eventually published in 2021 by Hard Rain Trading Company as Christiania: 50th Anniversary Edition.

Client: Bay Leaf Books

Undertaken with Steve Platt

See Christiania book website

Nelson’s Wharf development
1978 – 83

Coordination of conversion of a former seaman’s mission to six homes with communal gardens and indoor swimming pool.

Client: Self and friends

Squatting book
1978 – 80

Establishing the Self-help Housing Resource Library in London and compiling and publishing a book on squatting.

Client: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Bay Leaf Books.

Tolmers Square community development, book and film
1973 – 79

Co-ordinating the establishment of a local community association and compiling a book and film on a classic community action campaign to save a community in central London from the effects of property speculation.

Client: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Routledge & Kegan Paul

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